What is the difference between a tracking pixel and the Trackable analytics prefix?
Tracking Pixels for SmartPromos
A SmartPromo tracking pixel is a URL that is delivered via a DAI (dynamic audio insertion) provider like Art19, Megaphone, Spreaker, etc.
Each Dynamic SmartPromo will have a unique tracking pixel that is associated with that SmartPromo.
The tracking pixel returns data for dynamic SmartPromo campaigns so that we can provide attribution and conversion data.
Trackable Analytics Prefix
The Trackable analytics prefix is a short URL added to a podcast's RSS feed.
It is how we provide some attribution for SmartPromos & SmartLinks. For dynamic SmartPromos, Trackable provides the conversion information for the promoted podcast. For baked-in SmartPromos, Trackable provides the impression data for the promotion, as well as the conversion information for the promoted podcast.
Every Chartable team dashboard has a unique Trackable prefix which can be found in the Settings > Integrations > Trackable page in the Chartable dashboard. This prefix should be used for all shows "owned" by that team/dashboard.
The Trackable prefix looks like this: