How do I integrate Trackable?

The Trackable analytics prefix is a key part of your Chartable dashboard setup. Each Chartable dashboard has its own unique Trackable prefix. A podcast can only have one Chartable team dashboard's Trackable prefix integrated in its Megaphone RSS feed at any time.

Follow the instructions below to integrate Trackable:  

  1. If you haven't already, add the podcast to your team's Chartable dashboard on the Team Settings > Podcasts page. 
  2. Follow the steps for Megaphone on the Integrations > Trackable page in your dashboard, or the steps for implementing a custom prefix in your hosting provider's help center.
  3. Click "Refresh Trackable Status" on the Integrations > Trackable page. This prompts Chartable's systems to look for the prefix in your RSS feed. After 24-48 hours, data should start to populate. 

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