What CSV reports can I export from my Chartable dashboard?

In the case that you want to archive or manipulate your podcast data, Chartable offers CSV file reports. CSV (comma-separated values) files can be opened in Excel, Numbers, or any other program for tabular data.

Any report that you create will be stored in the "Recently Run" tab of the Reports page, which can be accessed by clicking on "Reports" in the navigation toolbar. Only Admins or Owners of dashboards can create and view reports. 

Available Reports for Publishers

If you have a publisher dashboard, the following reports are currently available for export: 

Podcast Overview Report 
Downloads and confirmed plays for a podcast, in total, in the first 30 days, and in the previous 30 days. Each report pulls data for either one podcast or all podcasts.
"Export" button on the Overview page
Episodes Overview Report Downloads, confirmed plays, and consumption for each episode of a podcast, in total, in the previous 30 days, and in the previous 60 days.
Each report pulls data for either one podcast or all podcasts.
"Export" button on the Episodes page
SmartPromo Timeseries Report  Impressions and converted device data for all SmartPromos promoting a podcast for a date range, aggregated by day or week. 
Each report pulls data for all active SmartPromos for one podcast.
"Create" tab on Reports page  
SmartPromo Snapshot Report Current Impressions and converted device data for all active SmartPromos. 
Each report pulls data for all active SmartPromos, for either one podcast or all podcasts. "Create" tab on Reports page   
SmartLinks Overview Report Current clicks, unique clicks, and converted devices data for all SmartLinks. Each report pulls data for all active SmartLinks on the dashboard.
"Export CSV" button on the SmartLinks page
SmartLinks Link Report
Clicks, unique clicks, and converted device data for a specific SmartLink, broken out by day. Each report pulls data for one SmartLink.
"Export CSV" button on the SmartLinks page
Audience Overlap Report
Breakdown of unique & shared devices in the last 60 days between two podcasts or episodes.  Each report pulls data for one overlap.
"Export CSV" button on the Compare page    

Unavailable Reports

The following reports are currently unavailable for export from your Chartable dashboard: 

  • Audience demographic or geographic information
  • Podcast download data for a specific date range
  • Device retention charts
  • Episode consumption charts
  • Apple Podcast reviews
  • Podcast player information
  • Frequency response curve
  • Apple, Spotify or Chartable charts. For a free alternative, sign up here to receive a weekly email digest of the Chartable Top 200 charts.

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