How do I use the Charts page?
The Charts page provides a snapshot of chart performance and rank history for your podcasts.
Navigate to the Charts page by clicking on "Charts" in the navigation panel on the left side of your Chartable dashboard. This initial page displays all charts that your podcasts have recently charted on. You can use the dropdown at the top of the page to drill down to a specific podcast.
The "Rank" column displays your podcast's current position in the chart based on our most recent data. We collect new charts as often as once per hour. If you see "OUT" as your rank, it means your podcast or episode has recently fallen off the chart.
Green and red arrows in the "Change" column denote the number of positions your podcast has changed since the last time we have updated the charts.
To read more about how charts are formulated, check out this article. To read more about why you aren't seeing certain charts on your dashboard, check out this article.
To view a chart in full and other podcasts currently in the ranking, click on the "Chart >>" text in grey. For example, below is what you will see if you click on the "Chart >>" text next to the "Apple Podcasts : Swaziland : Technology" chart name.
To see your podcast's performance history, click on a chart name in blue. For example, below is what you will see if you click on a "Apple Podcasts : Swaziland : Technology" chart name.
To view different time ranges of chart rank history, use the date fields on the right side of the page. Please note that free Indie dashboards have 1 year of chart history, Indie accounts have 1 year, and Pro and Enterprise accounts have unlimited history. Pricing plans here.
On this page, you can navigate to all charts your podcast has had placements on. Toggle between different podcasts, episodes, platforms, countries, or genres using the dropdown options. Only episodes that have appeared in charts will appear in the "Select an Episode" dropdown, just as only genres your shows have charted in will appear in the "Genre" dropdown, etc.
Let us know if you have any questions, and thank you for using Chartable :-)