How do I add another podcast to my Chartable dashboard?
Podcasts must be manually added to your Chartable dashboard -- they don't appear in your dashboard automatically. Adding a show to your dashboard signals to Chartable to look in the RSS feed for your team's Trackable analytics prefix.
To add additional podcasts to your Chartable team dashboard, please follow the instructions below.
1. Navigate to the Team Settings page in your Dashboard. Click on the Podcasts tab.
2. Click the green "Add a Podcast' button in the top right corner of the page. If an episode or trailer has been published, you can add the podcast by searching for it by title, or pasting in the show's Apple Podcasts URL. If an episode or trailer has not been published to Apple Podcasts yet, you can add a private version of the show by selecting "Add Private Podcast" and pasting in the show's RSS feed URL.
3. In order to utilize SmartPromo and SmartLink attribution, you'll have to integrate the Trackable analytics prefix into the RSS feed.
Navigate to the Integrations > Trackable page. Follow the instructions under the heading with Megaphone to add your team's prefix to your show's RSS feed.
Note that a podcast RSS's feed can only have one Chartable team dashboard's Trackable prefix at a time. If the show you're adding is already "owned" by another Chartable dashboard, you can ask the owner to invite you to their Chartable team to view analytics or help manage that show.
4. After you've added the Trackable Prefix to your show's RSS feed, click the "Refresh Trackable status" button on the Integrations > Trackable page.
Your podcast must have at least one published episode (a trailer is fine), and your team's Trackable prefix in place on all episode enclosure URL's in order for our system to confirm the Trackable prefix is in place.