What is the attribution window for SmartPromos?
The attribution window for SmartPromos is the amount of time Chartable "looks" for downloads of the promoted show for each unique device (IP address and device information combination), starting at the time the device was delivered the promo via episode download/ dynamic insertion.
The attribution window for SmartPromos is 45 days by default. Your current attribution window can be viewed at any time on the SmartPromos Analytics page, under the podcast selector. Please note that your attribution window in blue is different than the time picker right next to it in white. The time picker filters the impressions & conversion data on your dashboard by the dates that the events occurred.
If you're interested in changing the attribution window, please click on "Settings" on the SmartPromos page and navigate to the "Attribution Window" heading. This setting can be changed at any time, and does not impact how data is collected, stored, or saved.