SmartPromo Campaign Status

In order to see the status of promos you have purchased, navigate to SmartPromos > Manage > Promos. To see the status of promos that you have sold to run on your podcasts, navigate to Ad Ops > Manage. 

Awaiting Approval: The campaign is waiting for approval by the seller team. The team will need to navigate to Ad Ops > Requests and approve the campaign. 

Denied: The publisher you're working with has denied the SmartPromo request. 

Error: There are multiple reasons why a promo might be error'd. If you click Resolve, there will be instructions to resolve the error. 

Ready: The campaign is set up correctly in Chartable, and ready to collect impressions. 

Active: For Baked-in campaigns, Chartable is currently receiving downloads from the prefix. For Dynamic campaigns, Chartable is currently receiving events from the tracking pixel. Once a campaign moves to "Active" status, attribution data should begin to populate within 24-48 hours. 

For more granular troubleshooting steps about campaigns that have not changed to "Active" yet, please refer to our article here -  

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