Can I create a SmartPromo tracking pixel to send directly via email?
It's easy to generate a SmartPromo tracking pixel for a publisher running a campaign promoting your podcast. A few notes before we begin:
- Your team dashboard will need to be on a Pro or Enterprise plan to create SmartPromos.
- You will need to know which DAI (dynamic ad insertion) platform is being used for the promo.
- Using this process, the selling publisher will not be able to review the results of the campaign in their Chartable dashboard, if they have one. They also will not have to "Approve" the campaign from their dashboard.
Creating the Pixel
1. Create a new SmartPromo.
2. Select the podcast you are promoting, select Dynamic, and keep "Run of Network or Multi-show promotion" in the bottom field. Click the "Next" button.
3. Select "No, I want to create the tracking pixel internally," enter the name for your promo, and select the DAI platform for the pixel using the dropdown. Click the "Create Promo" button.
4. Click the "View Pixel" button that appears on your SmartPromo page. We recommend copying the tracking pixel code into a plain text document and emailing that as an attachment, rather than pasting the pixel code directly into an email.
You're done! You will see the analytics of the campaign in your dashboard as soon as the pixel starts being delivered to devices with the promotion via the show's DAI system.