I'm moving hosting platforms. What does this mean for my SmartPromos?

1. Updated RSS feed in Chartable

If you wait a few days, the RSS feed will update in Chartable automatically after you update the feed in Apple Podcasts. Or, you can visit the show's public Chartable page and click to update the show info.

2. Reintegrate Trackable

After you've imported your podcast into your new hosting platform, add your team dashboard's Trackable analytics prefix to the new RSS feed. You can find your team's Trackable analytics prefix and Trackable set up instructions in the Integrations > Trackable page in your Chartable dashboard.

3. New SmartPromos

All Baked-in SmartPromos will continue to work as before, no action needed. 

Dynamic SmartPromos for spots running on other networks & promoting your shows will continue to work as before, no action needed. 

Dynamic SmartPromos for spots running on your network will need to be recreated, since you will need the new tracking pixel type for each dynamically inserted promotion. You'll need to set up new SmartPromos before running promotions through your new DAI system. 

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